Dr. Alemu Beeftu
President/Founder of Gospel of Glory
Church Planter of Christ Tabernacle Church
Dr. Alemu Beeftu’s earned his BA from Biola University and his masters and PH.D. from Michigan State University. Dr. Beeftu concentrated on studies in Curriculum and Non-Formal Education, with complementary studies in Rural and Community Development, plus more than 25 years of practice in these and related fields, have made him an accomplished and sought-after leadership trainer. Dr. Beeftu has developed leadership curriculum and trained leaders and now emerging leaders in more than 40 countries, with a goal of building national leadership infrastructures. He has worked with executive and general leadership of churches, denominations and NGOs, as well as the corporate sector to advance the kingdom work and , to foster sustainable societal change, particularly in third-world countries.
At present, Dr. Beeftu concentrates on transformational leaders, leaders of various ages who have the calling, gifting and character to make a significant impact on society for the kingdom of God in the developing and developed world.
Dr. Beeftu is the founder and president of Gospel of Glory. He was a senior Leadership Development Specialist with Compassion International for more than twenty years. He was an associate professor at Michigan State University for three and half years.
Dr. Beeftu is also an author…. his most recent books include: Put Your Heart Above Your Head, Determination to Make a Different, Restoring the Altar For Fresh Fire, Leadership Journey, Spiritual Accountability, Leading for Kingdom Impact, and etc.
Genet Beeftu
Genet Y. Beeftu, earned her BA from Fresno Pacific University in Business Administration. She is the co-founder of Gospel of Glory and Emerging Glory Center. She has been involved in Gospel of Glory’s ministries, as Women’s Ministry Coordinator, counselor, teacher and intercessor for more than twenty years. In addition to being part of the Gospel of Glory ministry team, she is also one of the pastors at Emerging Glory Center.
God has blessed Dr. Beeftu and Mrs. Beeftu with two children, Keah and Aman.
Pastor Habte Adane
Habte Adane is currently the Pastor of our church. He started out as an Evangelist in Hibret Amba Kale Hiwot Church in Ethiopia, followed by serving in the same office in Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Los Angles. After serving in LA for about a year, he continued to travel around the world for the next 5 years edifying the body of Christ. The Lord led him to accept the call of pastoral office in Nashville, TN in the year 2000 and was used by God to bring growth to Grace Church for the next 10 years. From 2010 to 2023, he has immersed himself in the mission work around the world, specially in Arab countries.
God has blessed Pastor Habte Adane and his wife Fikre Tesfaye with three children; Jordan, Amanuel and Moriah.