It is our MISSION to correct the past and shape the future by hosting His presence and demonstrate the power of the Gospel.
We VISION to keep the altar of worship pure and alive as well as train, mentor, disciple, equip, and send out leaders with new vision to disciple nations.
Christ Tabernacle Church FOCUSES to establish apostolic center where God’s altar is kept pure and worship fire is alive for His presence to dwell; where the revelation of His Word can be released; where His light will shine; and where the power of the Gospel is demonstrated. Focus is to plant churches and mentor church leaders to establish divine order in local churches through the five-fold ministry, to advance the kingdom and impact generations. Such Apostolic Center is to serve as a center to train, mentor, disciple, equip, and send out leaders with new vision to disciple nations. The center will serve the Ethiopian communities as well as a multi-cultural, multi-language, multi-ethnic, and multi-generational alignment.
Reach 70,000 Ethiopians in the Greater Dallas area: Build a new church movement among Ethiopians in the Greater Dallas area that will serve as a model of biblical government and five-fold leadership, with true worship and demonstration of the power of the gospel to shape evangelistic outreach for this target group. Outreach strategy is 10-10-10 Outreach Ministries: Long-term strategy is to: 1) reach out to 10 cities in the Greater Dallas area: Plano, Allen, Richardson, McKinney, Frisco, Dallas, and then on to others; 2) reach out to 10 states throughout the nation: Texas, California, Washington, DC, and then on to others; 3) reach out to 10 nations worldwide (based upon prophetic words Cindy Jacobs and Chuck Pierce gave us at our Dallas opening in March 2014). Small groups have started in various locations, but trained leaders are needed for exponential growth through evangelistic outreaches.
Shaping evangelistic out reach in the USA. The word of the Lord is that we will usher in the light of His glory to the people who don’t know His glory.​​​​​​​​​​​​
Multi-Cultural Fellowship: Build a multi-cultural, multi-language, multi-ethnic, and multi-generational fellowship for worship, celebration, and discipleship. Establish and model a five-fold ministry leadership to reach the lost, disciple the saints, and equip and send out leaders with new vision to disciple nations and impact society at large.